LYFE: The Digital Property Investment Revolution in Indonesia
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Get to Know LYFE: The Digital Property Investment Revolution in Indonesia

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Get to Know LYFE: The Digital Property Investment Revolution in Indonesia


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The rapidly evolving digital era has led to the birth of innovations that have changed how we do things.


In the financial world, how we invest has changed completely towards digital. One of these changes is evidenced by Lyfe, Indonesia’s first property-based crypto asset that uses blockchain technology.


Lyfe is not just an ordinary digital asset but a digital asset representing the value of property and land in Indonesia. Therefore, Lyfe is also Indonesia’s first Real World Asset (RWA) project.


The presence of Lyfe allows us to invest in property assets with more affordable capital and without geographical restrictions.


The First Property-Based Crypto Asset in Indonesia

The Lyfe ecosystem consists of two main components: Lyfe and Lyfe Gold. Each of the two components represents a different asset. In this regard, Lyfe breaks new ground in Indonesia’s property investment world.

Each Lyfe token is directly linked to a specific property in Indonesia through blockchain technology. Lyfe token owners can earn a share of the property’s rental income as if they physically own the property.


Pioneer of Real World Asset (RWA) Project in Indonesia

Established in 2020, the Lyfe ecosystem is a living example of Real World Asset (RWA), which refers to physical assets with economic value in the real world.


Lyfe is the first Real-World Asset (RWA) project developed in Indonesia and can only be traded on INDODAX.


In this case, Lyfe is an example of tokenization of Functional Asset RWA in the form of property or real estate. At the same time, Lyfe’s other product, Lyfe Gold, is an example of tokenization of Stable Fungible Asset RWA in the form of physical gold.


Real World Asset (RWA) facilitates the representation of physical assets such as real estate (Lyfe) and commodities (Lyfe Gold) into crypto tokens governed by smart contracts and tradable within the blockchain ecosystem.


This method makes physical assets more transparent, liquid, and profitable by converting them into tradable digital tokens.


Easy and Flexible Property Investment




With Lyfe, we can invest in properties with lower capital without going through complicated administrative processes.


Lyfe’s property portfolio is focused on properties that have the potential to provide rental income, with the value of each token keeping pace with the rising market price of the property.


Benefits for Lyfe Token Holders

According to their token holdings, Lyfe token holders will get a proportional share of property rental income.


In addition, they can also exchange Lyfe tokens for property ownership according to the number of tokens held and the availability of properties.


Thus, investing in Lyfe is the same as investing directly in property.




Currently, Lyfe tokens are ready to be invested into properties according to the number of tokens in circulation. The number of tokens is expected to grow along with the development of the market and the LYFE community.


Lyfe (LYFE) is only traded on BAPPEBTI registered and regulated exchanges, namely INDODAX on the IDR market. To buy LYFE, visit the LYFE/IDR market through the INDODAX website or the INDODAX Mobile App.


Lyfe’s Top Features




Not only does Lyfe offer digital property investment opportunities, it also provides various additional features, including:


1. Lyfe Token

Lyfe token holders will get profit sharing on the 18th of every month. This profit sharing has been running successfully for more than 2.5 years since September 2021 with an average annual yield of 26.2%, and the results are distributed in the form of Lyfe Gold (LGOLD), which can be exchanged for physical gold.


2. Exchange with Physical Property

Lyfe also allows token holders to exchange tokens for physical property ownership. Therefore, Lyfe token owners do not need to worry if the value of their tokens drops because they can exchange them for physical (real) property.


Currently, there are three property units available in several locations in Jakarta.


3. Exchange with Gold

Lyfe also facilitates the exchange of Lyfe tokens for physical gold in the form of Lyfe Gold (LGOLD).


In this case, 1 Lyfe Gold (LGOLD) equals 1 gram of physical gold that can be minted and certified into certain UBS brand precious metal fractions.



Lyfe is an innovative solution for Indonesians who want to invest in Real World Assets (RWA), such as real estate and precious metals, digitally. With blockchain technology, Lyfe facilitates access to property investment and increases transaction liquidity and flexibility.


As a Real World Asset (RWA), Lyfe minimizes the risk of volatility that often occurs in digital or crypto assets with the guarantee of redeemable physical assets.


To find out more information about Lyfe (LYFE), visit Lyfe’s official website at and also follow Lyfe’s social media accounts for the latest updates via:

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