Yugioh card collection or Yu-Gi-Oh! image adaptation of the cartoon/animated series of the same name from Japan which is very popular in the world, especially for the generation born in the 1990s. This cartoon is adapted from the manga series by Kazuki Takahashi—released in 1996—with the same title.
The interesting story and plot of this film/television series made many children at that time interested in collecting a collection of Yu-Gi-Oh! which was then widely circulated. The card itself was produced in 1999 by Konami.
However, did you know that this card collection is now a target for collectors and gamers alike? It happened because of the Yu-Gi-Oh! it has good card material and the stock is limited. Besides that, at the beginning of its sales, this card is also very impressive.
One of the card collections that stole the attention was the legendary Seto Kaiba memorial card. The very famous collection card was printed only 1,000 units in the world. Wrapped in the box above, the card which has 99.9 percent pure silver is priced at a fantastic price, to be exact, $1,000 or around Rp. 14.4 million (assuming the US Dollar to Rupiah exchange rate).
However, beyond the legendary Seto Kaiba commemorative card earlier, there is one Yu-Gi-Oh! The most legendary you need to know. The card is called Yu-Gi-Oh! The recently released TCG Masterpiece Series Blue-Eyes White Dragon in Europe. In fact, within seconds of the opening of the Pre-Order (PO), this card was immediately sold out.
Recently, the Yu-Gi-Oh! The TCG Masterpiece Series Blue-Eyes White Dragon has successfully set a new record. This happened after this card, which was auctioned on the auction site eBay, managed to fetch a price of $ 11,000 or approximately Rp. 158.7 million.
Yugioh Card—NFT Trading Card as an Expensive Digital Investment
The success of the Yu-Gi-Oh! This fantastic sales record is certainly inseparable from the current wave of Non-Fungible Token (NFT) hype. The adoption of NFT itself has indeed penetrated various fields or sectors, including art, technology, and pop culture, namely as an NFT trading card.
In the phenomenon of the Yu-Gi-Oh! card collection, for example, the hype generated by the NFT made the NFT trading card from the Japanese cartoon series—as a form of adopting games to NFT—successfully gain a large income, as was the case in the arts sector to pop culture, which is represented by the success of NFT trading cards such as Candy Digital, Curio Card, SoRare, to the very famous NBA Top Shot.
To note, the NFT trading card itself refers to the term “physical underlying asset”, namely financial assets with derivative prices. This was triggered by the uniqueness of the NFT trading card, one of which was its shift to digital media as a collection that has investment value. On a number of websites or marketplaces, you can also find sales of these traded NFT cards. In OpenSea, for example.
In terms of how it works, the NFT trading card is almost the same as most NFTs. However, this type of NFT creates tokens on Ethereum or on blockchain smart contracts. In this case, NFT owners will get a big profit when selling their items if the price of this token also increases.
Furthermore, the NFT trading card has also received recognition as one of the similarities with the original version. Therefore, the nature of digitization is also very unique and almost without gaps. A number of NFT trading cards are also valued and expensive, including the card being discussed in this article, namely the Yu-Gi-Oh! card.
Yugioh Card: When Children Learn to Invest from Trading Card Game
The current popularity of trading card games is undeniable. In fact, because of the popularity of trading card games, there are a number of industries in Japan that have even held card game competitions for children.
The purpose of this competition is for children to learn about investing from the trading card game. By using card games as a learning medium, a number of industries in Japan also hope that in the future new investors will be present.
For example, that is done by a non-profit organization in Japan called the Association for the Promotion of Financial Literacy. A report from japanesestation.com states that the Association for the Promotion of Financial Literacy has developed “Economica”, a card game where two players can compete in order to increase their assets.
The “Economica” is a simulation of the economic environment, for example the decline in the yen (Japanese currency) and sustainable economic growth. The “Economica” card game competition is held in various parts of Japan by Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management Co.—one of the developers of the trading card game, which of course aims to hone children’s investment skills.