Perplexity AI Vs Chat GPT: Which AI Chat is Superior?
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Perplexity AI Vs Chat GPT: Which AI Chat is Superior?

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Perplexity AI Vs Chat GPT: Which AI Chat is Superior?

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Artificial intelligence (AI) technology plays a significant role in various industries, including crypto market analysis. Crypto market analysis is related to understanding and assessing the behavior of crypto assets, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other altcoins


Using AI technology for crypto market analysis, various methods and algorithms can be applied to understand patterns, trends, and potential changes in crypto asset prices. AI technology in crypto market analysis can be used for many things, from price prediction, sentiment analysis, pattern recognition, and risk management.


A deep understanding of the right metrics is essential when conducting crypto market analysis using AI technology. These metrics include trading volume, volatility, technical indicators, market sentiment, and asset fundamentals. It should be noted that the development of artificial intelligence technology is currently taking place quickly. This has also encouraged the birth of various innovative AI models and systems. One that is now attracting a lot of attention is Perplexity AI.


So, to understand Chat Perplexity AI, its features, advantages, and disadvantages, a tutorial on how to use it, how it differs from Chat GPT, and the influence of AI technology on crypto, see the full review below!


What is Chat Perplexity AI?


Get to know the 6 differences between Perplexity AI vs Chat GPT


Perplexity AI is a search engine based on artificial intelligence (AI) that operates like a chatbot. In this case, users can search for information on various topics by communicating through this technology. This system will provide answers according to the user’s instructions through the communication process.


In a simpler context, Perplexity AI can be considered a similar technology to ChatGPT. Its intelligence level is on par with ChatGPT due to its ability to answer continuous, interrelated questions.


This similarity occurs because Perplexity AI uses the same language model as ChatGPT: Generative Pre-training Transformer (GPT)However, the version of Perplexity AI is GPT-3.5, which is slightly older than ChatGPT, which uses the GPT-4 version.


Like ChatGPT, Perplexity AI combines a language model with an artificial intelligence algorithm called the Large Language ModelHowever, the algorithm Perplexity AI uses is Natural Language Processing (NLP), which can provide accurate answers and information to users. As a result, it is not surprising that Perplexity AI is considered a major competitor to ChatGPT. Even though it has been around since August 2022, Perplexity AI remains in the spotlight due to its growing popularity amidst the booming trend of AI chatbot applications.


Perplexity AI Features 

As a technology based on artificial intelligence (AI), Perplexity has several advanced features that increase its functionality. Here are some of the superior features that Perplexity has, namely:


1. Search Engine

It’s important to remember that Perplexity functions as an AI-based search engine that runs like a chatbot. This feature is the core of Perplexity and is very helpful for its users. Every question asked will be answered by this chatbot clearly and accurately. More than that, this chatbot is designed to provide answers accompanied by information sources from media on the internet.


2. Inclusion of Search Sources

Perplexity AI is equipped with a source curation feature, where every answer cited by Perplexity will be included in the search results. This aims to increase the credibility of the answers given.


3. Edit Question

This feature allows users to edit their questions to receive more satisfactory answers. This helps users in getting answers that are not only accurate but also credible.


4. Extension Chrome

For users who frequently use Perplexity AI on their computers, Perplexity can be integrated as an extension in the Google Chrome browser. This makes it easier for users to operate Perplexity directly from a web browser.


5. Threads

Apart from being an AI chatbot, Perplexity can be run as a social media platform through the Threads feature. With this feature, users can share and interact with other users, making it more than just a chatbot but also a forum for discussion.


Knowing the Advantages and Disadvantages of AI Perplexity

Perplexity AI has several advantages and disadvantages that users must pay attention to. The following are a series of advantages and disadvantages that are important to know, including:


1. Advantages

  • Accurate and relevant search results: Perplexity AI delivers more precise and relevant search results than traditional search engines. This allows users to get more detailed information tailored to their needs.


  • Features that help users: Perplexity AI provides various features that can help users, including personalized recommendations, automatic query filling, and natural language processing. This improves the user experience in using this technology.


  • References in conversations: The results of conversations with Perplexity AI include references used by the system to find information. This provides transparency to users regarding the sources of information used by this technology.


2. Disadvantages

One of the weaknesses of Perplexity AI is that the presentation of information does not fully use flowing and natural language like normal human conversation. Although accurate, there is still room for improvement in making the language more understandable for humans.


Tutorial on How to Use Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI can be accessed via its official website with simple and easy steps. The following is a tutorial on how to use Perplexity AI that you need to know, namely:


  • Access the Perplexity AI website via the Google Chrome browser. To find this site, you can search for it by typing keywords or directly using the link
  • If you want an easier option, please download the application via the App Store.
  • Fill in the search field with your question, then click the green arrow icon.
  • Wait for the system to display the answer to your question and the information source used.
  • Register an account first via the Sign-Up option in the menu if you want to access more Perplexity features.


What is the Difference between Perplexity AI and Chat GPT? Which is Superior?


Get to know the 6 differences between Perplexity AI vs Chat GPT


Although both utilize artificial intelligence (AI) as their core capabilities, there are fundamental differences between Perplexity AI and Chat GPT. Even though they have similarities, these two tools have striking differences.


GPT chat is a language model developed by OpenAI, using deep learning to generate text that mimics human capabilities. GPT chat is a complex machine learning model capable of performing Natural Language Generation (NLG) with high accuracy.


On the other hand, Perplexity AI is an engine that allows users to ask various questions and satisfy their curiosity. This tool acts as a metric for evaluating language models. From this brief definition, it can be seen that these two tools have significant differences. In this context, the fundamental difference between Perplexity AI and Chat GPT is that Chat GPT is a language model. 


Meanwhile, Perplexity AI combines Chat GPT and the Google search engine. In providing answers to questions, Perplexity surfs the internet and retrieves information from certain sources.


It is important to know that Perplexity AI can be accessed for free via the official website. Users also have the option to download the Perplexity AI application, which will provide a more practical and convenient user experience. Meanwhile, ChatGPT, both the premium (paid) and free versions, can only be accessed with an internet connection.


On the other hand, ChatGPT only has a database until 2021, while Perplexity AI is superior because it has an AI database that is updated until the end of 2022. Full access to Perplexity AI can only be done through the official website and the App Store. On the other hand, ChatGPT is already available on the Play Store for Android users.


The Impact of AI Technology on Crypto

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the crypto world has a significant impact, forming an important role in various aspects. Some of its effects are visible, for example, in market analysis. In this case, AI technology can analyze large amounts of historical and current data in the crypto market. This helps investors and analysts to identify trends, patterns, and market behavior that are difficult to observe manually.


Furthermore, machine learning algorithms and AI-based predictive models can also help predict crypto asset price movements. AI can provide more accurate price forecasts by studying historical patterns and market variables. AI technology can also help identify factors that influence the adoption of a crypto token. This includes market sentiment analysis, technological developments behind the token, and usage trends that can predict the token’s growth potential.


Additionally, decentralized applications (dApps) are increasingly gaining attention in the crypto ecosystem. AI technology can be used to analyze user data, detect usage trends, and help design marketing strategies to increase the adoption of dApps.



In conclusion, when conducting crypto market analysis, appropriate metrics and tools are essential. Understanding and choosing the right metrics, such as trading volume, volatility, and technical indicators, can help make informed and measured decisions.


On the other hand, although Perplexity AI has uses in natural language processing, it is fundamentally not completely suitable for crypto market analysis. In this regard, tools like ChatGPT, with crypto market analysis capabilities, are becoming more relevant. It is important to underline that AI’s accuracy and ability to understand market dynamics correctly are key factors in effective crypto market analysis.


So, now you understand what Chat Perplexity AI is, its features, advantages, and disadvantages, a tutorial on how to use it, how it differs from Chat GPT and the influence of AI technology on crypto. Furthermore, you can also read other interesting INDODAX Academy articles, such as the unlimited potential of GPT Chat, which can be used for crypto and stock market analysis.


As additional information, to deepen your understanding of blockchain technology, you are strongly advised to explore related articles on INDODAX Academy. On INDODAX Academy, various comprehensive materials are available, ranging from basic concepts to more complex aspects of blockchain technology. By reading these articles, you will get in-depth insights regarding blockchain technology, its application in various contexts, and the latest updates in the crypto world.


Let’s increase your knowledge about blockchain and crypto assets with INDODAX Academy!

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