For those of you who are still confused, and don’t know, what are crypto assets?
Crypto assets are digital assets designed to work as a medium of exchange using strong cryptography, to secure financial transactions, control the process of creating additional units, and verifying asset transfers.
Then, the most famous crypto asset is Bitcoin, besides Bitcoin there are thousands of other crypto assets. Crypto assets use decentralized control as opposed to centralized digital currencies and central banking systems.
Now, Indodax is the largest crypto asset trading platform or marketplace in Indonesia, with nearly 5 million members, and providing more than 180 types of crypto assets that are ready to be traded.
You can buy and sell crypto assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and dozens of other assets easily and safely. Indodax has also been officially registered with Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (CoFTRA) in Indonesia, also known as BAPPEBTI as one of 13 companies in Indonesia that are licensed and legal to trade crypto assets!
Indodax Feature
As one of the crypto asset marketplaces, Indodax provides excellent features that provide many benefits for its users. These features include:
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) security feature
To increase the security of every transaction made by users, Indodax applies Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) protection.
Security is carried out using SMS, email, and Google Authenticator verification which are quite safe without much hassle for users.
Easy trading, deposit and withdrawal features
One feature that makes it very easy for indodax members is to easily deposit and withdraw funds in the form of Rupiah, or crypto assets. In addition, trading crypto assets through the Indodax platform can be done via smartphones, tablets, or laptops with only 1 user account.
Chart analysis feature
The chart feature on Indodax will certainly make it easier for traders and investors who want to make transactions. The existence of this feature is also useful for optimizing profits and reducing losses from transactions to be made.
Stop loss feature
This feature is useful in managing the risk of price fluctuations, it allows you to determine what is the right price to trigger automated trading.
Advantages of Indodax
If we discussed the features in Indodax, then what are the advantages of Indodax?
Indodax has a complete data presentation
The presentation of complete data will of course make it easier for traders to execute buying and selling. The Indodax platform offers a daily frequency display of crypto transaction volume data.
Easy to use
In terms of application usage, Indodax provides a fairly comfortable appearance. The Indodax application has an intuitive UX or UI, so when you enter, you immediately know where to go in the application. The buttons in the application are also simple, uncomplicated and not confusing.
Choice of deposit method
At Indodax, there are many choices for deposits, even if you can deposit cash at the Indodax office. Deposits are also not only in Rupiah, but can also be in the form of Bitcoin and other crypto assets.
Choice of order types to customize
Indodax provides two different types of orders that you can choose according to your preferences for making transactions. The first type of order is market or taker which is executed immediately according to the price available at the time the transaction is requested. Meanwhile, the second type of order is limit or maker which is not executed immediately because it has to wait until the market price matches the price specified by the user. The purchase process at Indodax is usually less than one minute if you are a market taker, and fifteen minutes if you are a market maker.
Have your own crypto wallet
Not only as a platform for buying and selling crypto assets, Indodax also provides a crypto wallet that you can use for transaction purposes.