My Neighbor Alice: Unique, Free & Earning NFT Game
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My Neighbor Alice: Unique, Free & Earning NFT Game

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My Neighbor Alice: Unique, Free & Earning NFT Game

My Neighbor Alice, Game Keren Gratis yang Menghasilkan!

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Since the last quarter of 2021, the world’s attention has been focused on the trend of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) and play-to-earn (P2E) games. The emergence of a new generation of gamers who only need sophisticated equipment in their homes is accompanied by the presence of virtual world games that provide entertainment and generate profits through digital tokens or crypto assets.


Regarding this, one of the NFT play-to-earn type games that is interesting to try is My Neighbor Alice. My Neighbor Alice is a multiplayer-builder game inspired by the Animal Crossing game concept. In this game, players can own a virtual island and create various amazing works of art.


With a personal avatar, the world of My Neighbor Alice offers several interesting activities, including farming experiences, building a virtual kingdom, and participating in digital asset trading through the marketplace.


So, to know more about what My Neighbor Alice is, its uniqueness, how it works, its roadmap, features, and how to play it, see the full review below!


What is My Neighbor Alice?

My Neighbor Alice embodies the game and finance (GameFi) play-to-earn multiplayer-builder (farming game) concept that allows players to own virtual land and create their virtual world.


Players can explore, collect items, garden, and build a virtual city in this game. The concept of My Neighbor Alice feels similar to the games Animal Crossing and Minecraft, both known for their community-centric concepts. Players can connect and socialize with neighbors (other players), participate in daily activities, and receive rewards in the world of My Neighbor Alice. To enter this world, players need to purchase virtual land called plot land. There, they can carry out various activities, such as looking for insects, fishing, gardening, and raising livestock. Player status will rise as they complete various activities, missions, and competitions.


Assets in My Neighbor Alice, such as buildings, decorations, animals, and plants, are NFTs. Because of this, a marketplace in My Neighbor Alice facilitates the buying and selling of various game items and NFTs. The main character in this game is Alice, who has several friends in the Lummelunda Islands, the game’s main setting. Alice’s friends include a bear named Bjorn, Jose the Shipman, and Bob the beekeeper.


My Neighbor Alice uses a free-to-play model so everyone can play it for free. However, players must own ALICE, My Neighbor Alice’s native token, to obtain various game items and lands. ALICE is an ERC-20 token and can be stored on exchanges and wallets compatible with the Ethereum blockchain.


Antler Interactive, a game studio from Sweden, is the developer of My Neighbor Alice. They have a strong history in the gaming industry, especially as a pioneer of Virtual Reality (VR) games under the name SVRVIVE Studios. Popular games produced by this studio include The Deus Helix and Krystopia. Antler Interactive was acquired by ChromaWay in 2019, a blockchain development company behind Chromia.


Antler Interactive CEO, Anna Norrevik, has a strong financial background from experience at Accenture and Credit Suisse. Antler Interactive is known to have established partnerships with various companies, such as Bounce Finance, The Sandbox, and fashion brand Elle. In terms of funding, My Neighbor Alice raised $2,100,000 through two rounds of funding from VCs such as Coin98 Ventures, and Kyros Ventures and $100,000 in an Initial Dex Offering (IDO) round on DAO Maker.


Why is My Neighbor Alice Unique?

Quoting, My Neighbor Alice is known to focus on two different demographics, namely game players and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) fans, making it a unique project in terms of the uses offered by this game.


My Neighbor Alice is unique because of the technology used to create an ecosystem featuring open-world gaming and a lending economy for NFTs. The lending system presented in My Neighbor Alice is trustless and based on smart contracts used by the system to ensure that lenders will always get their NFT loans back with a profit.


Uniquely, the most important element of this game is a combination of blockchain-based gaming and DeFi because this network allows users to socialize and play games with other players while staking ALICE and borrowing and lending NFTs to generate (yield).


How Does the Game Work?


My Neighbor Alice, Game Keren Gratis yang Menghasilkan!


My Neighbor Alice uses Chromia as its main infrastructure. Chromia is a Layer-1 blockchain and a Layer-2 for Ethereum and other Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible blockchains. This option allows My Neighbor Alice to overcome performance issues that may arise due to server or network capacity limitations. It will enable potential players to join without owning special crypto assets.


Chromia Originals is the network used for NFTs in My Neighbor Alice. The main advantage of this network is its ability to present information and store NFT data more completely. This is caused by using a relational database architecture, which increases data storage efficiency, especially in text format. Through Chromia Originals, My Neighbor Alice players can easily transfer ownership of assets.


The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and the Community Council manage the My Neighbor Alice game. This approach makes game development more democratic, where players can determine the source code used and decide on updates that are deemed necessary.


My Neighbor Alice Roadmap

Quoting, in 2022, My Neighbor Alice successfully launched Alpha Season 1 and Season 2 and introduced innovative features, such as companion apps, game launchers, first community missions, fishing, and farming.


Throughout 2022, My Neighbor Alice actively participated in prestigious events, including Paris Blockchain Week and NFT.NYC while announcing an important partnership with ELLE. 2023 brings new opportunities and advanced game mechanics. In the first quarter (Q1), My Neighbor Alice appeared at various industry events, such as Web3XP/Paris Blockchain Week, PGC London, and NFT Paris. They also focus on developing craft features, rentals, and wardrobe features. Q2 will see the launch of Alpha Season 3 and participation in NFT.NYC and Web3 Berlin. New features, including crafting, rentals, wardrobe features, and NFT sales from the first partners, are presented.


Partnerships with first-partner brands are a key focus this quarter, and the potential for broader brand integration following the demonstration of success will be explored. Q3 will feature land sales and important advances in-game mechanics, including:


  • Quest Framework Development: Created to simplify the steps of creating compelling missions for brands by providing an intuitive interface for procedurally designing missions.
  • Trading System Development: The existing trading system allows players to exchange items for assets or other goods thereby providing a boost to the economic dynamics in the game.
  • NFTs on Multiple Chains: Planning to expand NFT support to multiple blockchain platforms, including Ethereum and Chromia, aiming to increase accessibility and inclusivity for players.


Q4 will set the stage for the launch of Alpha Season 4 and further game improvements, including:


  • Multi-Chain Scalability in Chromia: This step aims to overcome scalability challenges by enabling efficient transaction processing without harming important aspects such as consistency, availability, or partitioning.
  • New Region in the Lummelunda Archipelago: The development team’s plans involve opening a new region in the Lummelunda Archipelago, providing a fresh experience for players and adding more content to explore.


With all the developments announced, My Neighbor Alice is committed to meeting ever-increasing expectations. With a focus on innovating game mechanics, collaborating with exciting brands, and introducing new features, the game aims to enhance the overall gaming experience.


The upcoming Alpha Season, collaboration with brand partners, and expansion of NFT support mark significant steps in developing this project. By continuing to push the boundaries of virtual gaming, My Neighbor Alice aims to be a pioneer in the realm of blockchain-based gaming.


Features Inside My Neighbor Alice Game

Like other NFT-producing games, My Neighbor Alice offers interesting features to enhance the playing experience. The following are a series of features in the My Neighbor Alice game, including:


1. ALICE Token

The main feature in this game is the ALICE token, which functions as the main asset. ALICE tokens can be obtained by purchasing fiat money, crypto, or while playing. Uses of the ALICE token include purchasing islands, NFTs, and various in-game items. Additionally, these tokens can be exchanged for fiat money or crypto outside the game’s scope.


2. Special NFT Collection

My Neighbor Alice also offers NFT collectibles as digital assets that can be collected, sold, or exchanged with other players. NFT collections involve various elements, such as islands, plants, animals, buildings, and other items found in the game.


3. Social Features Between Players

This game has social features that allow interaction between players. Players can visit each other’s islands, share ideas, exchange goods, or collaborate on joint projects. This feature enables players to get involved in communities in the game, such as joining hobby clubs, professional guilds, or social organizations.


Specifications to Play My Neighbor Alice Game

Quoting, the following are the specifications (system requirements) needed to be able to play the My Neighbor Alice game:


  • Operating System: Windows 7 or higher
  • Processor: 2.8 GHz Dual Core Processor
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Video card with 1024MB VRAM
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 4 GB of space available


How to Play My Neighbor Alice Game?

The gameplay My Neighbor Alice presents is not too different from game-builders in general. This game adopts an open-world format so players can create buildings and assets using various materials.


Each player is required to have land or an island to be able to play My Neighbor Alice. To get an island, players can participate in the sales session held by My Neighbor Alice or use the marketplace provided. However, it should be noted that land plots are not available in unlimited quantities. These restrictions are implemented to preserve the value of NFTs, where their uniqueness can increase the asset’s value. The rarer an asset is, the higher its price is likely to be.


In the previous land plot sales session, namely the Tourney Wolds, which ended on August 16, 2022, it was recorded that 1,000 plots of land had been sold. Of this number, 975 land plots were sold through an auction mechanism, while the rest went through a lottery. The initial auction price for land plots is using ALICE tokens. Even though they don’t have an island, players can still enjoy My Neighbor Alice, which has more limited features and access. After acquiring an island, players can manage it with farming and animal husbandry activities.


Players can also travel to various islands to interact with other players and characters in the game. Even though the concept is open-world, My Neighbor Alice offers a storyline that players must follow. This involves various activities, from interacting with other players to completing missions in the game. As seen in Alpha Season 1, players are given a mission to fish. Successful completion of this mission will provide rewards that can be used to purchase items in the game.


How to Earn from My Neighbor Alice Game? 


My Neighbor Alice, Game Keren Gratis yang Menghasilkan!


Quoting, when players manage the economy in the My Neighbor Alice game, their interactions create various income opportunities. Here are several ways to generate passive income from the My Neighbor Alice game, including:


1. Animal Trade

The animals in the game are unique NFTs who can create new things from existing materials. Animals are often more in demand on the market and can even be a unique commodity because each animal has unique breeding talents, some of which are more special than others.


For example, some animals will help you spin the cotton into thread after harvesting organic cotton on your property. In contrast, other animals can weave threads into cloth, and some species can color the cloth according to their taste. The materials resulting from this process can be sold on the market or used to make unique clothing.


On the other hand, you may want to get involved in pet ownership once you have accumulated enough money as a traveling salesperson. You can own animals in the game and care for them on land rented from other players. Use your skills on other players without using your animal directly.


2. Complete Other Players’ Work

You may be able to start your first income by applying for jobs advertised by landowners if you don’t already have animals or land. They may need your help to care for their plants or care for their animals.


Animals need water, food, love, and attention, while the land needs watering and care. That’s where you can act as a caretaker of animals and land.


Well-maintained land produces better crops, and well-cared-for animals reproduce better, making their help invaluable to landowners.


3. Resource Export

Traveling to different player countries is a great experience. In this case, you will meet new people and see their farms, creations, animals, and furniture.


If you’re lucky, you might find that some items are cheaper in one place. This dynamic allows you to take on the role of a trader, buying and selling goods worldwide to make a profit.


4. Farming (Growing Crops or Renting Land)

All farming activities occur on land represented by NFTs and can be purchased via lottery. Planting and farming is a fun experience. If you are lucky to have land, you can grow and sell plants to other players.


Make sure your plants always have enough water so you can earn money from healthy harvests. If all this sounds like too much work, you can rent your land to other people in the game and profit from the rental income.


5Exclusive NFT Trade

Hats and dresses are unique products that players can create to show their style. Because every piece of clothing you create is a unique NFT, you can sell them to other players. The more unique and attractive the design, the higher the market value.


My Neighbor Alice vs. Axie Infinity 

Quoting, the following are several important points as a comparison between My Neighbor Alice and Axie Infinity, including:


1. Symbol

ALICE is the symbol for My Neighbor Alice’s native token. Axie Infinity’s native token is marked with the symbol AXS.


2. Circulating Supply

The circulating supply of ALICE tokens from My Neighbor Alice is 41,468,157. The same circulating supply for Axie Infinity’s native token, AXS, is 101,105,779.


3. CMC Rating

Next up, there are differences in the CoinMarketCap rankings for My Neighbor Alice and Axie Infinity. For My Neighbor Alice, the ranking is 325, while for Axie Infinity, it is recorded at 52.


4. Volume

At the time of writing, there is a difference in the 24-hour volume for My Neighbor Alice and Axie Infinity coins. For ALICE, the value is $13,760,541. Meanwhile, Axie Infinity’s native token, AXS, is known to be $125,101,445.


5. Percentage Change

When writing, the 24-hour percentage change for My Neighbor Alice and Axie Infinity coins is 23.97% and 12.53%, respectively.


6. Market Capitalization

The last important point to discuss about both is market capitalization. The market capitalization for My Neighbor Alice is $80,594,174. For Axie Infinity, the value is $970,284,850.


So, which one is superior, My Neighbor Alice vs Axie Infinity? Ultimately, My Neighbor Alice and Axie Infinity have advantages and disadvantages. The best choice for players ultimately depends on what they want from a game.


My Neighbor Alice may be better if players want a more relaxed experience. However, if players want a more immersive experience and seek a bigger challenge, Axie Infinity is a better choice.



In conclusion, the My Neighbor Alice game combines an open-world simulation world with crypto elements, creating a unique and rewarding experience. This game presents a combination of ease of access for players of all ages with the benefits of the crypto ecosystem. In the end, this is known to be able to create an interesting game ecosystem and has the potential to provide added value for My Neighbor Alice game players.


Invest in Crypto Assets on INDODAX with Staking (EARN) Feature

So, now you know what My Neighbor Alice is, its uniqueness, how it works, its roadmap, features, and how to play it.


Next, if you are interested in investing in crypto assets with Axie Infinity (AXIE to IDR), you should choose a safe and trusted crypto exchange at INDODAX. Please note that INDODAX has a feature called crypto staking or INDODAX Earn available.


This crypto staking feature allows you to secure crypto assets in a way that is similar to storing funds in a savings account. Crypto assets locked through the INDODAX Earn service will provide rewards like interest earned from a savings account.


It is important to note that the INDODAX Earn crypto staking feature can be easily accessed anytime and anywhere via the mobile or desktop application on the INDODAX website.


So what are you waiting for? Let’s invest in INDODAX via the crypto staking feature starting now!

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