What is the price of SLP today? Basically, SLP itself stands for Smooth Love Potion (SLP), which is the token of the game Axie Infinity.
As for now, the game Axie Infinity is being loved a lot because it can be used as an investment in crypto assets. Axie Infinity even still has a high rank in the volume of transactions that occur in its game to this day.
For information, the transaction volume in this game has touched the figure of $4.16 billion, which was realized by as many as 1.94 million players, as of March 4, 2022.
So, so that you can earn money while playing Axie Infinity, users can use this SLP Coin. For those of you who want to know today’s SLP prices and how to get these coins, see the full review below.
What is SLP?
As mentioned above, SLP or Smooth Love Potion is one of the tokens in the Axie Infinity ecosystem. The function of this token is as a reward for Axie Infinity game players.
In the game Axie Infinity, players can earn real money by playing the game. The money will be given in the form of SLP which can later be converted by players into fiat money.
This SLP can also be used for transactions in the Axie Infinity game in order to breed the Axie they have. For information, SLP tokens are built on top of the Ethereum blockchain network.
It also makes SLP into the ERC-20 Token category. Currently, SLP is also available to enter the Solana Blockchain via a bridge from the Solana Blockchain to the Ethereum Blockchain called Wormhole.
SLP Coin Inventor
Who is the inventor of the SLP Coin? He is Trung Nguyen, who is also the creator of the game Axie Infinity.
The inventor of the SLP coin was motivated to make Smooth Love Potion because he felt the need for two tokens to be involved in the Axie Infinity ecosystem.
The aim is to keep the token’s function from getting mixed up between governance and as a reward for players.
Trung Nguyen also stated that this SLP token was created in order to make it easier for users who already understand blockchain-based games, such as CryptoKitties.
The Uniqueness of SLP Coin
What is the uniqueness of this SLP Coin? Indeed, the uniqueness of the SLP coin is not much different from the reward tokens for other blockchain-based games that exist today.
However, its most visible uniqueness is in terms of its toughness in a number of exchanges that trade it. To note, the SLP token was one of the first blockchain game tokens to be listed on a major exchange like Binance.
SLP itself can also be referred to as one of the strong reward tokens. This is because until now many reward tokens have been removed or delisted from the exchange.
Another uniqueness of the SLP token lies in its usability. With this token, players will be given the option to use SLP. The choice is to cash out SLP into fiat money or to use it to reinvest in players in order to get higher profits.
What is meant by being reinvested in this case is that SLP can be used as a token that will be used to breed Axie monsters owned by players.
This breeding also requires SLP, with costs that continue to rise with each stage of breeding later. The purpose of this breeding will also benefit Axie Infinity, as well as to benefit the player.
This happens because with the increasing number of Axies, players can sell Axies that are not used. Thus, the circulation of money will continue. In addition, with the cost of breeding Axie, the supply of SLP will be maintained so that there is no excessive inflation.
Therefore, it can be concluded that SLP is a token that indirectly protects the Axie Infinity ecosystem. This is what makes this SLP unique and valuable.
How to Get SLP?
There are several ways that you need to try if you want to get this SLP Coin. Here is the explanation.
Play Axie Infinity
The first way you can try if you want to get Smooth Love Potion tokens is to play the Axie Infinity game in the arena section which will reward you in the form of SLP tokens.
As a reminder, if you want to become a player in the Axie Infinity game, the capital you have to spend is to buy three Axies, which will later be used in this game.
Staking Coins
As for the second way, you can get SLP coins by staking AXS coins.
In this regard, there are a number of platforms that provide AXS coin staking to earn SLP.
It is also important that you remember that this staking reward is in accordance with the capital issued. Thus, the rewards will be higher if the capital issued is also large.
Today’s SLP Price
For today’s SLP price (SLP/IDR) on the Indodax market, it is observed to be at Rp57. Well, to get this SLP Coin, you can also buy it at Indodax.
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