CryptoKitties: NFT's First Game, Unique & Adorable
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CryptoKitties: NFT’s First Game, Unique & Adorable

CryptoKitties: Game NFT Pertama yang Menggemaskan!

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One clear proof of technological progress that introduces a new way to play Non-Fungible Token (NFT) games while gaining financial benefits is marked by the emergence of the CryptoKitties game. Before NFTs became as popular as they are, CryptoKitties had been a pioneering game that used blockchain technology, especially NFTs.


Developed by the Dapper Labs team, this game is a pioneer in NFT-based online games on the Ethereum network. The NFT game that uses Ethereum technology has succeeded in attracting more than 14,000 active users every day, thereby making a significant contribution to increasing public awareness of blockchain technology.


So, to understand what CryptoKitties is, how it works, its unique features, a basic guide before playing, and how to buy and earn from this game, see the full review below.


What is CryptoKitties?

Quoting, in CryptoKitties, users collect and breed very cute creatures called CryptoKitties. Each cat has a unique genome that determines its appearance and traits. Players can breed their cats to create new furry friends and unlock rare cattributes.


CryptoKitties is one of the world’s first blockchain games. “Blockchain technology” is the technology that makes things like Bitcoin possible. Although CryptoKitties are not digital assets, they offer the same security, i.e., each CryptoKitty is solely and completely owned by the player. This means that CryptoKitty cannot be replicated, retrieved, or destroyed.


How Does the CryptoKitties Game Work? 

Quoting the page, CryptoKitties are digital cats that can be collected and bred. This is the world’s first game built on the Ethereum network.


When two CryptoKitties are mated, the appearance and cattributes of the offspring are determined by the 256-bit genomes of each parent and the element of luck, resulting in 4,000,000,000 possible genetic variations.


CryptoKitties was created to explore the concept of digital scarcity, implementing NFTs in ERC #721 smart contracts, and making blockchain technology accessible to everyday consumers.


CryptoKitties Unique Features


CryptoKitties: Game NFT Pertama yang Menggemaskan!


Quoting, users are familiar with the basic idea of NFTs which are unique assets that cannot be duplicated. The CryptoKitties game is also included. Each cute cat in it has a different set of appearances.

Additionally, there is only one of each cat in the entire game. The following are some of the main features of CryptoKitties that you need to know, including:


1. Attributes


Genetic algorithms known as attributes, called “Cat Attributes,” determine various cat traits. Like genetics in the real world, a kitten born to two cats with different traits will have a random mix of new and different traits from both of their parents.


2. Cooldown Speed

Birth is never simple, and mom cats always remind us of that. After producing new kittens, CryptoKitties features “Cooldown Speed” to give the cat time to rest.


The generation number or the number of times a kitten has given birth will be the key to determining the resting time. It takes longer for the next kitten to be born as the mother cat ages through the generations.


3. Genes

In CryptoKitties, a cat’s genetic makeup consists of blocks of DNA that store four types of genes, including eyes, coat pattern, body color, and more. 


Each block has 3 hidden genes that are invisible to the naked eye but can be passed on to the cat’s offspring. However, along with 1 primary gene that determines the dominant trait. It should be noted that while the hidden gene has only a 25% chance of being passed on to the offspring, the primary gene has a 75% chance.


4. Mutations

A newborn cat may sometimes lack the characteristics of its parents. This is called “Mutations” (mutations), where the mutated kitten’s genes will have a new origin that its future offspring may inherit.


Interestingly, mutations can still occur when two purebred parents breed, although with a lower probability. Mutations are more likely if the parents’ genomes are completely unrelated.


5. Family Jewels

The newest addition to CryptoKitties’ collection of eternal joy, Family Jewels, debuted in February 2018. Family Jewels are currently available for kittens to wear as a reminder of their heritage.


The first gem will be given to the cat with the first report of “Mewtation” or a new mutation in its bloodline. The following are the types of family jewels categorized based on the generation distance between Kitty and Mewtation, namely:


  • Diamond is a legendary badge for the first cat to bestow a new gene.
  • Gilded is for the next 9 cats with the mutant gene.
  • Amethyst is for the next 90 Kitty.
  • Lapis is for the next 400 Kitty.


Basic Guide Before Playing CryptoKitties

Quoting are many things to consider when playing CryptoKitties. The following are the basics that are important to know before playing the game of CryptoKitties, among them:


1. Buying

First, search the market to find some CryptoKitties. If you find a CryptoKitty you want to buy, then please click on the cat and press the “Buy now” button.


After that, you will be prompted by your browser’s wallet provider (for example, MetaMask) through the plugin’s transaction window. This process may take a few minutes to appear on your profile, depending on the Ethereum network.


2. Breeding

There are two ways to breed a new CryptoKitty, namely (1) by breeding two of your own CryptoKittys together or (2) by breeding with a public male cat.


If you want to breed two CryptoKittys of your own, go to your kittens and click on the CryptoKitty you want to sire (the male cat) in your breeding. Later, the cat will show the “Lay eggs” button. Then, click that button and click “Father with my CryptoKitty.” After that, you can choose “Mother” for your breeding. Once you’ve selected a breeding pair, press “OK, give them some privacy” to open the transaction window and let those CryptoKitties work their magic.


3. Offers

Bids are another way to buy cats. Players can use the game’s bidding system to bid in ETH for any CryptoKitty, even if it is not currently for sale. Once an offer is made, the owner can accept or reject it. Bidding ends after three days.


4. Selling or Siring

Once you have some CryptoKitties, you can sell or breed them publicly. If you go to your kittens and click on one of the CryptoKitty, you will see the “Sell” and “Lay Eggs” buttons. These two buttons will take you to a page where you can create an auction. “Spawn” allows you to create a breeding auction, meaning other players can breed with your CryptoKitty via the Breeding market. Meanwhile, “Sell” will create a sales auction. Other players can find your sales auction in the marketplace. Here, you can choose the starting price, final price, and auction duration.


How to Play and Earn CryptoKitties?

If you are interested in playing and have your unique cat character, you can prepare several things first. First, ensure you have a computer or mobile device that can access web applications, such as Google Chrome or Firefox, a crypto wallet like MetaMask, and some Ethereum.


After that, follow the tutorial below with the following steps:


  • First of all, please log in to the CryptoKitties website at
  • Proceed with installing the MetaMask Extension or Trust Wallet. Both are available on computer or mobile.
  • Register your personal cryptocurrency wallet account and select the Ethereum network.
  • Please click the “Start” button on the top right corner.
  • Next, it will appear from MetaMask or Trust Wallet, then please select the confirmation button in MetaMask.
  • Continue by entering the email that you will use.
  • Congratulations! Your account has been successfully created.
  • Next, you can purchase NFT characters by going to the “Marketplace” page at the top of the CryptoKitties page. Then, select the desired kitten character by pressing the “Buy Now” button.


Before purchasing, make sure you have a sufficient amount of ETH in your personal crypto wallet. When everything is ready, a new transaction page will appear where you can complete the purchase.


If the Ethereum you have previously is insufficient, and the kitten character you want on the CryptoKitties market is more expensive, then you can make an offer or participate in the auction process. Next, you need to wait for the seller’s decision.


Cryptokitties Rarity Levels

Please note the rarity in CryptoKitties is divided into several levels. Here are some of the rarity levels:


1. Generation

In the first year, Gen 0 cats were created. The smart contract mentioned that the creator could make 50,000 of these cats from the initial generation. Because they are limited, these cats are rarer than others and have a higher value.


2. Mewtations

Another factor that gives value to cats is the so-called Mewtations or mutations. For example, kittens undergoing mewtation can be differentiated at different levels. The first cat to experience a certain mewtation gets a diamond gem; currently, there are only 243 cats with gems. A kitten with a diamond gem can be sold on the marketplace for around 3—4 ETH.


3. Founder

Then, there are founder cats, consisting of the first 100 cats ever on the platform. The value comes from their ID number; the lower the ID number, the better.


4. Exclusive Cat

These cats were introduced to the team working at CryptoKitties. Some of these exclusive cats have been sold at very expensive prices.


How to Buy CryptoKitties?

Citing, if you already have a MetaMask wallet with ETH coins and have logged into the CryptoKitties platform with a registered account, you can buy CryptoKitties. Here is the guide:


  • At the top of the page, select Marketplace.
  • Going to the next page, there are as many as 140,000 unique CryptoKitties.
  • You can select the type of CryptoKitty you want to buy using the Filter button.
  • Click on the image you wish to purchase.
  • Next, press the orange button that says “Buy Now!”.
  • Before the transaction is completed, you need to confirm the amount. If so, please click “OK, buy this Kitty”.
  • A MetaMask pop-up box will appear, displaying the transaction details and the GAS fee. Finally, to complete the transaction, please click “Confirm”.


Congratulations, you’ve just bought CryptoKitty! Once the Ethereum blockchain processes the transaction (which usually doesn’t take more than a few minutes), the tokens will be displayed in your MetaMask wallet.


How to Earn from CryptoKitties?


CryptoKitties: Game NFT Pertama yang Menggemaskan!


Citing, when playing CryptoKitties, users can choose from three base game modes. These modes are also a way of earning from the game of CryptoKitties, among others:


1. Buying

To buy the right cat, there are marketplaces in the game. When users find it, they can click the “Buy Now”button to access the confirmation page in the game.


Double-check the ordered cat before clicking “OK, buy this kitty” to finalize the purchase. The purchase is considered final once they can see their new cats on their profile.


2. Breeding

This game has two types of kittens: Dame (Mother) and Sire (Father). The offspring generation will be the highest generation of both parents plus one. For example, breeding a 4th generation cat with a 3rd generation cat will produce 5th-generation kittens. Meanwhile, breeding two 3rd generation cats will produce a 4th generation cat. The best breeding strategy is to mate two cats from the same generation.


Breeding is an easy process. Users can select the sire (the cat they wish to father their kittens with), click “Breed,” and then select “Sire with my kittens.” A list of cats that will be the mother (Dame) will be displayed. The “OK, give them some privacy” button may need to be used to separate the cats after they have finished mating so that they can have a private moment. All they have to do next is wait for the happy event.


3. Selling

In CryptoKitties, sales are how users generate income. Users can sell their cats or become cat breeders who breed their Sire cats with other players’ cats. Go to your cat list, where they will find the “Sell” and “Breed” buttons.



Users can create an auction on a new page by selecting one of the options. Simply pressing the “Sell” button will start the sales auction. while pressing the “Breed” button will make their cat visible in the Breeding market so that players can select them for breeding.


CryptoKitties Gas & Fee

Quoting page, every time you buy, breed and create or cancel an auction, your request is sent to miners on the Ethereum network, who crunch the numbers and confirm the transaction.


For such services, miners receive network fees paid by the person submitting the transaction request (please note that these fees all go to the miner). These fees, sometimes written as “Tx fees”, are determined by the “Gas Price” of your transaction and the amount of gas used to process it.


Gas Prices (Gwei) is the amount of ether offered per gas unit to pay miners to process your transaction. Converting Gwei to ether is as simple as taking the Gwei value and shifting the decimal point nine places to the left. So, 5 Gwei equals 0.000000005 ether.


“Gas Limit” sets the maximum amount of computing power you allow miners to use before they reach their limit and stop processing your requests. Essentially, gas limits create an upper limit on how much ether you are willing to spend on a particular transaction to keep costs reasonable.


As for wallets like MetaMask, they always find the optimal “Gas Limit,” and there is no reason to change it. Meanwhile, to calculate the maximum possible fee for a transaction, multiply the gas price by the gas limit. So, as per the above example, the maximum possible transaction fees in this case would be as follows:


250,000 x 5 Gwei = 250,000 x 0.000000005 = 0.00125 ETH


Is CryptoKitties Still Popular?

While it may seem that the popularity of these games has waned with the rise of more NFT-based games, such as Axie Infinity, Decentraland, and others, the game still enjoys a high level of popularity.


According to data from DappRadar on September 3, 2021, the value of CryptoKitties NFT transactions reached approximately 7.27 million US dollars during 24 hours. This number represents a significant jump compared to collections in 2017 that were largely overlooked during this year’s NFT market surge. In reality, CryptoKitties has experienced an increase of 22,106 percent daily.



In conclusion, CryptoKitties plays an important role in combining the world of gaming with blockchain technology. As one of the first successful blockchain games, CryptoKitties has opened the door to the concept of NFTs in the gaming space. On the other hand, the future potential of CryptoKitties lies not only in the appeal of the game itself but also in its contribution to the introduction of blockchain technology to the general public.


The growth and development of the technology that supports CryptoKitties shows that this concept has the potential to continue to develop. By continuing to explore new possibilities in the world of blockchain and gaming, CryptoKitties will remain an example for future developments in this field.



As additional information, you can also read other interesting articles, such as the most popular NFT game and Magic Eden on INDODAX Academy.


It is important to note that to broaden your understanding of blockchain technology, you are strongly advised to explore the latest articles on INDODAX Academy.


INDODAX Academy presents various materials, ranging from basic concepts to more complex aspects related to blockchain technology. By reading the various articles available, you will gain a deeper understanding of this technology, including its application in various contexts, and get the latest updates regarding developments in the crypto world.


Invest in Crypto Assets on INDODAX

So, now you understand what CryptoKitties is, how it works, its unique features, a basic guide before playing, and how to buy and earn from this game.


Next, if you are interested in investing in crypto, it would be a good idea to check the crypto market on INDODAX. After checking the price, you can buy crypto assets on a trusted crypto exchange only on INDODAX.


As a reminder, INDODAX is a leading platform and a pioneer in trading (buying and selling) crypto assets in Indonesia. In its role as a crypto asset buying and selling platform, INDODAX has been proven to provide reliable services to investors and traders. INDODAX also provides easy and comfortable access to the crypto asset market by guaranteeing transaction security for its platform users.


Well, what are you waiting for? Come on, start investing in crypto assets now with INDODAX!

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