What is Dash Halving, When Will It Happen This Year?
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What is Dash Halving, When Will It Happen This Year?

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What is Dash Halving, When Will It Happen This Year?

Dash Halving 1

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In the world of crypto assets, especially in Bitcoin, halving is an event where the amount of reward given to miners for mining new blocks on the Bitcoin blockchain is halved from before.


Bitcoin itself has a halving mechanism that occurs every 210,000 new blocks added to the blockchain. Since new blocks are added to the blockchain about every 10 minutes, halving occurs about every four years.


When halving occurs, the reward given to Bitcoin miners for mining new blocks is reduced to half of the previous reward. Apart from Bitcoin, there is also dash halving which is important to know.


Well, to find out what Dash halving is, from the difference with Bitcoin halving to considerations and strategies for Dash miners, see the full review below.


What is Dash Halving and How it Differs from Bitcoin Halving


Quoting dash.org, a halving is a block reward reduction event that has been scheduled in the Bitcoin protocol by Satoshi Nakamoto himself.


The idea is quite simple. Every 210,000 blocks (about 4 years), the Bitcoin protocol undergoes a halving, where the block reward is cut in half.


Unlike Bitcoin, Dash does not have a traditional “halving” event. Instead of a 50% reduction every 4 years, Dash undergoes a 7.14% reduction (about 1/14 of the reduction) every 210,240 blocks (about 383.25 days).


The goal here is to ensure a smoother emission rate over time.


When Does Dash Halving Happen?


Dash Halving 2


Quoting bitkan.com, the Dash halving occurred on April 11, 2020. The block reward for miners was reduced from 3.11 DASH per block to 1.56 DASH per block.


This halving event occurs every 840,000 blocks, which is roughly every 4 years, and the next one is expected to occur in 2024.


The exact date of the next halving event depends on the block generation time of the Dash network, which is targeted to be around 2.5 minutes per block.


Based on this block time, the estimated date of the next halving event is around May 27, 2024.


However, this date may change depending on various factors, including changes in the network’s hash rate and block time.


How Halving Affects the Dash Ecosystem


Quoting the dash.org page, the Dash ecosystem has several stakeholders, such as users, developers, miners, and masternodes. So, how does halving affect these stakeholders?


Before that, let’s understand how reward allocation works in Dash. Block rewards are divided like this, viz:


  • 10% for the governance system: The community can use this to fund proposals that strengthen the Dash ecosystem.
  • 90% is split between miners and masternodes: Initially, the rewards given to miners and masternodes were split 50-50 between them. However, in block 1374912, Dash enacted a new reallocation system. In accordance with this system, the allocation of rewards gradually changed to 60-40, favoring masternodes.


Both miners and masternodes are affected by halving. Miners are the backbone of any proof-of-work (PoW) protocol. They purchase hardware and other resources to mine blocks and incur substantial electricity costs.


With the reduction in block rewards, miners get less DASH for the same work. Dash masternodes are relatively more protected from the halving effect.


They do not run expensive hardware and, as a result, do not have to pay hefty mining-related bills.


Miner Impact when Dash Halving


Dash Halving 3


Quoting the coindataflow.com page, miners are an integral part of the Dash network security. When a halving event occurs, miners experience a significant reduction in their rewards for successfully mining a block.


This can affect the profitability of mining operations, incentivize miners to operate efficiently and potentially cause changes in the overall hashrate of the network.


Considerations and Strategies for Dash Miners


So, how can miners plan ahead for the halving? What are the steps they can take to make the best decision? Here are some considerations, namely:


  • First, the halving effect in Dash is not as large as Bitcoin halving. Instead of logging 50% of their rewards all at once, Dash miners get a 1/14th reduction every year. As such, they don’t lose a large chunk of their earnings all at once.
  • Although the halving is not immediate, the gradual reduction also gives Dash deflationary tokenomics. Deflationary events usually have a positive net effect on the coin price. This can incentivize miners to hold onto their tokens rather than sell them immediately.




In conclusion, Dash halving is an event where the block rewards received by miners are significantly reduced which occurs every 210,240 blocks or approximately every 383.25 days.


The halving aims to control coin emission rates, ensure smooth emission rates over time, and provide predictability to the supply of new coins.


Meanwhile, block rewards in the Dash network are shared between the governance system (10%) and miners and masternodes (90%), with the reallocation system favoring masternodes after a certain block.


Furthermore, halving affects Dash miners, with reduced block rewards that can reduce the profitability of mining operations. However, Dash masternodes are relatively more protected from the effects of halving.


Ultimately, the existence of scheduled halvings gives stakeholders the opportunity to plan and adjust their strategies in advance.




Well, now you understand what Dash halving is, starting from the difference with Bitcoin halving to considerations and strategies for Dash miners.


Furthermore, if you are interested in buying dash (DASH to IDR) then you can buy it at INDODAX. However, before buying this crypto asset, you can see the price first on INDODAX Market.


Keep in mind that INDODAX is a well-known crypto trading platform and a pioneer in buying and selling crypto assets in the country.


INDODAX itself continues to be committed to always providing easy access to the crypto asset market for investors.


As a disclaimer, it is also important to remember that like any other type of investment, investing in crypto assets also has risks.


Risks that need to be considered are related to the fluctuating value of assets and high levels of volatility.


Therefore, you should first do your research before investing in crypto assets.


Start your crypto asset investment now only with INDODAX!

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