Lyfegold or commonly called LGold is the first gold commodity-based crypto asset in Indonesia that operates on ERC20 technology. ERC20’s proven network, ecosystem and technology maturity will facilitate accelerated development and adoption of LGold in many areas. This means, Lyfegold allows you to buy and sell stable and reliable gold-based crypto assets.
Uniquely, if you have LGold, you can exchange these crypto assets into SNI-certified precious metals, you know! All you need to do to exchange your LGold is to visit the LyfeGold website, and fill out the exchange form and just the LGold exchange fee. In addition, you can also send gold to practically anyone!
Precious metals can also be sold in the physical market, you know! With pure gold based, the reference price is according to the purity of 24 carat. So, the price of 1 LGold token is equivalent to 1 gram of physical gold. Therefore, the price of the Lyfegold token will automatically move according to the movement of the physical gold market price.
For those who are still confused about where the physical gold is stored, here it is! For every LGold crypto asset sold on the market, LGold will be securely stored by LyfeGold’s custodial partner! So, you don’t have to worry about it!
Well, as you know, gold has been recognized by the whole world as a safe haven asset that is protected from inflation. This proves that gold has purchasing power.
For that, Indodax is here as a place for traders who want to have LGold easily and quickly. Want to own LGOLD? Come on, buy it now at and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel!